Day 90: Yoga X *** FIRST ROUND OF P90X COMPLETED ***

Finally Day 90!  I intended to wake up early around 6:00am to do my workout but a text message woke me up around 5:00am so I got up and did it slightly earlier that what I intended.  I couldn’t go back to sleep knowing that the last Yoga X was waiting for me to push play.  I was really surprised that I wasn’t too sluggish because I stayed up ’til 1 in the morning last night doing some stuff.  My excitement must’ve given me the energy boost to finish up strong 😛 Anyway, the last Yoga X was awesome!  Sun wasn’t up yet so I did Yoga in the dark for the first time.  It feels much more relaxing with just the TV lights on.  This workout was one of the most intense workouts during Phase I and now I don’t really sweat it at all.  Well, no I still manage to perspire but I’m not dying trying to hold poses.  After the workout, I had quite a bit of errands to do and some last minute homework stuff to do so I was quite busy all day long.

I can’t believe I managed to finish up a round of P90X.  After doing P90X for awhile it feels very habitual that I need to workout.  Kinda like the feeling of necessity for brushing your teeth everyday.  I didn’t miss a single day.  Even the designated rest day was dedicated to X Stretch which most people never do.  That workout may seem like nothing but it helped me get more flexible and assisted in relaxing my aching body after a P90X week.  The only days I missed out of the entire program were 5 consecutive days which was spent in Dallas which was then followed by a housewarming party at my cousin’s place.  I decided to extend my program length to accommodate that week and started that P90X week over around Day 73 or so.  It was a wise decision because I did quite a bit of binge eating while on vacation and definitely had to punish myself when I got back from it 🙂  P90X has definitely helped me achieve my fitness goals and I can say without a doubt that I’m at my peak physical condition.  Not only that my mindset toward wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle has been re-enforced.  I eat better, look better, and feel better about myself.  I have no intention of going back to being lazy and eating like crap.  This is the way it has to be and yes it does take work to maintain a healthy lifestyle but it’s worth it in the long run.  I could on and on but I gotta finish up school stuff as well as take my results photos which won’t be up tonight but prolly over the weekend.

P90X is the ultimate home fitness program and if you’re serious about wanting to enhance your overall fitness, get healthy, or look ripped then you must try it out.  As long as you follow the program, eat well, and believe that it will work then you’ll get the results you want just as it has worked for me.

*** Just a glimpse at something I’m putting together for my final results 🙂 ***

(This doesn’t have really any relevance to today’s post but more like a cool teaser for what I’m putting together.)