Post-P90X and What Lies Ahead

So it’s been almost a week-and-a-half since I finished up P90X and all I can say is wow. I conquered my goal over the summer of getting back into shape or should I say getting in the best condition of my life. I can’t believe how fast 90 days elapsed. It only feels like yesterday when I pushed play for the first time on the P90X Chest & Back routine. I’ve received quite a bit of compliments on my transformation as well as the video piece I created. I’m happy that it’s inspired and motivated people as that was what I was aiming for. I don’t know if I’ll ever create something like that again but you never know. Since I finished my first round, I’ve been taking a breather and working out here and there. I’m actually doing some of the P90X workouts but not according to any designated schedule. Just picking and choosing here and there.

I actually tried the 2 included bonus workouts that came with the program that are from the Power90 series ( P90, predecessor to P90X) and they’re pretty fun! UML which stands for Upper, Middle, Lower is a combination of moves that pretty much work you out from head to toe. It resembles the P90X Core Synergistics workout. Pretty easy pace compared to the “X” workouts. Oh yeah, they have this move which really harks back to P90X called the Fifer Scissor Twists and it’s basically a combination of Mason Twists and Fifer Scissors. Hardcore! This is what should’ve been the milestone exercise at the end of ARX.This program is nowhere near as extreme as the P90X resistance workouts. The other one Cardio Intervals is a moderate cardio routine that has a variety of exercises where you start each exercise at a low pace and then progress higher. Overall, it’s a nice change-up from the P90X workouts despite being easier.

I’m not too sure when I’m going to be begin conquering my next fitness challenge but it’ll come soon enough. School is right now a priority and I’ve fallen a bit behind so I’m trying to put all my energy into studying. Of course that’s not an excuse to not exercise, but summer was perfect for me to do P90X since I had a lot of time. It’s much harder to keep to a strict exercise routine when you’re juggling college studies. Not only that, nutrition has been a challenge since it takes time to prepare stuff. I choose to bring food with me since I live off campus and I sure as heck am not going back to dining back on campus which has a bunch of unhealthy crap and is expensive.

So what exactly lies ahead for me.. I’m really psyched to start this soon but it will come … it’s time to go INSANE 😛